{{specificationCode.code + ' ' + specificationCode.specificationName}}
HANNA Instruments 連續光譜分光光度計 HI801-01
iris Visible Spectrophotometer - HI801
HANNA Instruments 多功能水質分析儀 HI83300-01
Multiparameter Benchtop Photometer and pH meter - HI83300
HANNA Instruments 多功能水質/COD分析儀 HI83314-01
Wastewater Multiparameter (with COD) Benchtop Photometer and pH meter - HI83314
HANNA Instruments 多功能水質/COD分析儀 HI83399-01
Water & Wastewater Multiparameter (with COD) Photometer and pH meter - HI83399
HANNA Instruments 桌上型可見光分光光度計 HI802
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